Family Law

Nobody wants to hire a family law attorney. But if you need one, Diana can help you to choose your best options. Family law representation can include help with divorce, child custody and parenting time, child support, and spousal support. Because having a judge decide your future should always be the last resort, she will help you to resolve your conflicts and issues out of court whenever possible.

Answers to the questions below (and more) can be found in the links below them and to the left of this paragraph.

Family Law Questions:

My spouse and I are planning an amicable divorce.   Do we really need separate lawyers?  Most likely you do.

We have children together.  How do we or the court decide on what happens now?  Custody usually covers three points and is always about the best interest of the child.

I was married to the mother of the child, but DNA will show that the biological father was someone else.  Do I still have rights to the child?  Does he?  In short, yes.  See the custody link for details.

How do we divide items?

How do we divide debts?

I was a ranch wife for years and now I don’t have employable skills.   Does South Dakota have alimony?

We divorced some time ago.   Can I change our custody arrangements?  

My child’s father has failed to pay his child support.  Do I have any rights to get it?  



Family law

Diana Boni is a mandatory reporter of child abuse and neglect in accordance with SDCL § 26-8A-3.